August 13, 2010

The stars at night are big and bright...

Go here to join in!

This week has been busy busy and tonight we head out of town for a weekend in San Antonio. We're going to visit my aunt and uncle who are moving to Virginia (tear) next week. They'll be gone 2 years, and then hopefully *fingers crossed!* will be back (deep in the heart of) Texas for the remainder of their years. The uncle is a Colonel in the Air Force so he has Big Important Things to do at the Pentagon, which means hopefully a DC visit is somewhere not too far in my distant future.

This week, for some reason, I am OBSESSED with chandeliers. I am always in love with them, but this week I have gone a little wackadoo and have been clicking through pictures of chandeliers like WOAH. I love them in unexpected places - outside, especially (I reeeeally wanted them hanging from the oak trees at the wedding, but alas, I am not made of money) - and I'd like to find one to hang above our bathtub in our master bathroom. I would love to have one in our bedroom, but I can't not have a ceiling fan. Maybe the closet?

Are you ready for a shitton of chandelier porn? Srsly, this is about to get ridiculous...

Happy Friday the 13th, y'all.
Hope your weekend is full of fun!

**Also, happy International Left-Handers Day to all you South Paws out there - especially to my most very favorite leftie of them all...

all photos via weheartit, except last one


Jesse said...

Love all the chandeliers. I totally agree about the problem with the master bedroom...gotta have a fan! And what is UP with the gun chandelier? You know that was designed deep in the heart of Texas. :)

Love the picture of you and your man too. Super cute! Have a fun weekend.

bananas. said...

you weren't kidding...that IS a shit ton of chandeliers!

it's all good though...i'm a lover of all things shiny and sparkly. pretty sure that gun one needs to be in my home right now.

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