August 11, 2010

Tweet Tweet

So, what's Twitter about? I get that I am super late in the game on this one, but recently I feel like all this Twitter-talk has skyrocketed. I mean, one of my friends had Hunter Pence Tweet at her - I don't have even a little bit of an idea as to what the hell that means, but Hunter Pence?! A professional athlete! How the hell do you rub elbows with people like that? I'm certainly not getting that kind of attention over here in my little corner of blogland...maybe it's time to branch out.

But then I think, why am I blogging? Not to gain popularity points on the www - if that were the case I would have shut this tiny little bad boy down years ago. I do it so I have an outlet. So I have a place to be happy about things and to be sad about things and to be pissed about things. I used to want nothing more than to be a writer. I wanted to be a journalist or write for a magazine or write books. My love for a comfortable lifestyle beat that dream down and I caved and became a slave to The Man instead. Blogging affords me the ability to write and "publish" for an audience to read. And judge.

Candidly, I've been afraid of the judgment. Probably because of this, I would have never made it as a writer. I haven't told many of my friends about this place. My family reads occasionally, but I think the frequent use of the F WORD puts them off a bit, which is weird because if you hung out with my family at holidays when the liquor is flowing WOAH - the eff-bomb is dropped like crazy and pretty much everyone is referred to as someone's bitch.

Just about every blog I follow/read daily has a ton of other followers. Almost all of them have posted a story about how they deal with negative responses to posts they've written. Fortunately, I can't relate to those tales of woe, as the most comments I've ever received was 5 on some random post I wrote about something. I think I was experimenting with commenting on SITS, too. They did make me a "Saucy Blogger" once, but I was put off by the abundance of Mom blogs over there. Mommy bloggers are great, don't get me wrong, but I started to wonder if I was the only chick sans kid who was blogging. I've found that I'm not, and have discovered a plethora (would you say you have a plethora of pinatas?) of hilarious bloggers that I go back to every day.

Does Twitter bring more traffic to your blog? To me it seems to be a lot like Facebook status updating, which is annoying as shit, so maybe I won't hang out too long with the Twittering...

I'd be lying though, if I said I wasn't kind of stoked to see what MC Hammer tweets about. I bet that shit gets insaaaane....

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