February 9, 2011

The last First Date

5 years ago today I was sitting in my office, checking the clock every few minutes, willing it to go faster and at the same time, cussing it for moving so quickly. I was wearing a blue shirt, jeans and heels. My hair was blown out and I was wearing make up (gasp!).

Saul and I were going on a date.

Saul and I had only met up with mutual friends before this. Tonight, we'd be on our own. I was an excited, anxious, mess.

5 years later, he put a ring on it ;)

Even though we have a wedding anniversary to celebrate now, I think it's important to remember how we started. How we got to that sweet wedding. How lucky we were to find each other.

Most girls say their wedding day is the best or most important day of their lives and while our wedding day was a blast, I have to say I completely disagree...

...the best day of mine was February 9th, 2006 - the night of my very last First Date.


bananas. said...

hecka cute dude!

happy unofficial anni to you two lovebirds! since dave and i aren't married, we like to celebrate the day we got together. sadly neither one of us can remember the exact date so we went with 4/20 since it's easy to remember. lol.

drollgirl said...

aw, this is so sweet!!!! and i am glad you guys are so happy! it is nice for folks to know that the wedding day doesn't have to be the end all be all! i am sure it can be great, but hopefully the relationship has a zillion fab moments to remember fondly!

sorry for writing FONDLY! GAH! i can't think of another word.

anywhoo, have a great weekend!

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